Sam Houston Electric Cooperative (SHECO) is obsessed with building a hideously ugly, costly, and totally unnecessary power line along FM 980. In spite of the fact that under Texas Law, it is illegal for a power line to encroach upon or desecrate a cemetery, SHECO's Board of Directors operates in a "power crazed" air of arrogance and lack of ethics. Their moral and ethical corruption is totally disgusting, but is typical of the unbridled power of many corporations at this sad stage in our history.

Waterwood Improvement Association, Natural Area Preservation Association, Lone Star Sierra Club, Waterwood M.U.D., The Universal Ethician Church, The Texas Historical Commission, Texas Committee on Natural Resources and numerous citizens have expressed their disgust to SHECO, the Public Utility Commission and State Representatives and other government officials.

The men and women who run SHECO have a total disprespect for Texas, "America the Beautiful", our environment, endangered species, archaeological landmarks, property values, churches, and cemeteries.

In the event, through "hook or crook", SHECO succeed in its irresponsible and illegal efforts, because of their political or economic power, in a State that has a sordid history of corruption in government, the Lots along FM 980 may suffer encroachment. Those persons who have obtained burial rights on any LOT fronting FM 980, may exchange their LOT at any time for any available interior LOT. The only drawback is that none of the interior LOTS have been surveyed and the person wishing to make the exchange will be responsible for the costs of the survey.

We are hopeful that all persons having burial rights fronting FM 980 will help us fight SHECO tooth and nail to prevent it from carrying out its nefarious and evil schemes. There are plenty of clearcuts and cow pastures upon which to waste money with an unneeded and foolish boondogle that will cause utility rates to go up.

SHECO is saturated with www.whitetrashvalues.org and the www.satanvirus.org.